First of all, not sure what channel letters are? Channel letters are custom-made three-dimensional lettering or graphic signs commonly used for commercial purposes, especially on the exterior of businesses. Channel letters are a popular choice for businesses looking to make a strong visual statement with their signage.
Now that we have a basic understanding of Channel Letters, here are some fun facts about them:

Three-Dimensional: Channel letters are 3D, which gives them a noticeable pop against flat surfaces. This dimensionality helps catch the eye of passersby, making them a compelling choice for storefronts.
LED Illumination: Channel letters can be illuminated or non-illuminated. Options for illuminated signs are backlit or front-lit. Front-lit channel letters have lighting that shines through the front of the letters. Backlit (or halo-lit) channel letters are illuminated from behind, creating a glowing effect around the letters.

Customizable: They can be customized to match any font, color, and size, allowing businesses to maintain brand consistency and identity.
Long-Lasting Materials: They are typically made from durable materials like aluminum and acrylic, which resist corrosion and can withstand harsh weather conditions.

Historical Significance: Though modern in many ways, channel letters have been around in some form for over a century, evolving from simple metal signs to today's sophisticated illuminated displays.
Interested? Browse our previous Channel Letter installations for inspiration!